CRDA looks to purchase former Ginsburg Bakery

The Casino Reinvestment Development Authority is exploring the idea of purchasing the former Ginsburg Bakery to house equipment and offices used by the Special Improvement Division.

The 59,000-square-foot building has been empty since 2015, when Ginsburg Bakery merged with another bakery and moved to Camden County.

During the agency’s meeting in October, the board approved a resolution to allow Executive Director Christopher Howard to try to seek a deal for the property. “In our current warehouse, the equipment and tools are kept,” Howard said. “During flooding events, we aren’t able to keep our stuff in there.”

The Special Improvement Division comprises a general maintenance group of 45 team members and a 32-member Ambassador/Environmental Services group. It funds a $1 million Atlantic City Police Department Tourism District Patrol Unit comprising 30 SLEO Class II Police Officers, three sergeants and a lieutenant. The division is responsible for the upkeep of the tourism district.

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