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SNJDC committees provide an active forum for our members to participate directly in their field of expertise or interest.


Our committee meetings are for members only. Committees produce objectives, follow through on development projects, and demonstrate new ideas.


To join a committee, please contact us at


Business Development Committee

The Committee’s aim is to explore the evolving business environment with a focus on innovation to anticipate the needs of the future.  This is accomplished through the hosting of meetings with speakers that focus on current trends in business and industry in our region. The committee provides valuable networking opportunities through a webinar which affords a member the opportunity to discuss and highlight any relevant projects or opportunities and in front of a group of 30 or more Business Development Executives.
Economic Development Committee
This committee promotes the projects and programs designed to stimulate economic growth in South Jersey.  The committee brings together policymakers, communities and business leaders to foster investment and growth.

Energy & Environment Committee

The Energy and Environment Committee works with council members, businesses and state, local and federal government officials to address the energy demand of South Jersey, as well as environmental issues concerning the well-being of the region. The committee evaluates the environmental impact on South Jersey as a result of economic development projects. In addition, the committee responds to current and pending legislation and regulation on state and federal levels and works closely with New Jersey’s utilities and relevant policy makers and regulators to balance and unite energy concerns with environmental concerns.

Government Affairs Committee

The Government Affairs Committee offers a regular forum for South Jersey legislators, public policy officials and key business leaders to foster dialogue, share information and advocate initiatives that encourage economic opportunity. Meetings are held to discuss regulatory, budgetary and legislative issues that impact South Jersey business and economic development as well as to strengthen relationships between the business community and local, state and federal government officials.

Health Care Committee

The Health Care Committee considers a broad range of issues facing businesses relating to access and affordability of health care services in the South Jersey region. The committee works to educate and assist members to comply with the Affordable Care Act, control healthcare costs while maintaining exceptional healthcare quality for employees and promote health & wellness initiatives.

Transportation & Aviation Committee

This Committee provides a forum for regional aviation and transportation issues including: the operation and enhancement of the multi-modal transportation system covering highway, transit, ports, waterways, and freight; county and municipal airports, the William J. Hughes Technical Center, aeronautics and aviation; as well as local, state and federal programs impacting the Southern New Jersey region. The Committee works with state, authority, and county planning departments in determining and promoting transportation infrastructure projects for South Jersey. Issues tend to be broad based and multi-modal in nature.
Workforce Development Committee

The mission of the Workforce Development Committee is to advance the intersection of education, workforce development, technology, applied research and innovation in Southern New Jersey, leveraging the expertise of regional leaders from across sectors to support sustained economic growth in the region.

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