Camden Planning Board OKs Cooper’s 10-Story Addition

A plan to build a 10-story tower for patient rooms on a grassy lot next to Cooper University Hospital was approved last week by the Planning Board, according to the city.

Cooper Health System received approval for its preliminary and final site plans for the 332,970-square-foot addition that will connect to the existing hospital, according to Edward C. Williams, the city’s director of planning and development.

The building, Tower “A,” as Cooper is calling it, is part of the nonprofit hospital system’s $2 billion building program in the city. When the plan was announced in 2022, Cooper officials said three hospital towers were planned.

“Tower A is part of Cooper’s long-term investment in the community, and it will serve as the initial project for future demolition and construction to upgrade other areas of the hospital campus,” Cooper lawyer Kevin D. Sheehan of the Parker McCay law firm of Mount Laurel wrote in the March 22 application letter. “Once constructed, CHS will begin transitioning existing healthcare uses from older areas of the hospital into the newly constructed Tower A.”

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