WrestleMania, HBO Philip Roth miniseries win millions in NJ film tax breaks

The production companies behind WrestleMania and an HBO miniseries won a combined $13 million in New Jersey film tax breaks Tuesday.

The Economic Development Authority approved awards of $2.8 million to Event Services Inc, which filmed WrestleMania XXXV, and $10.3 million to Random Productions, LLC, which is producing a six-part miniseries based on the 2004 Philip Roth novel “The Plot Against America.”

New Jersey can allocate $75 million in tax breaks for film production and $10 million for digital media each year for five years under the Film and Digital Media Tax Credit Program. Gov. Phil Murphy brought back the tax credits in July 2018, after former Gov. Chris Christie suspended a previous program, let them expire and vetoed attempts to renew them.

New Jersey has approved $28.6 million worth of credits so far, including for production for the Batman movie “Joker” starring Joaquin Phoenix, the Steven Spielberg-directed “West Side Story” and a film called “Besa” featuring Chazz Palminteri.

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